office (602) 248-9107
fax (602) 248-0971

Wrongful Death

For your security...

Wrongful death cases may arise because of a variety of incidents, including car accidents, aviation accidents, or medical malpractice. Napier Law Firm wants to make sure that the surviving family is compensated for their loss to the fullest extent of the law.

In times of grief, family members are often unable to appreciate the importance of a prompt investigation of the circumstances of death and the preservation of evidence. These matters are extremely important in determining how and why the incident occurred and identifying the persons legally responsible for the incident.

Pursuing a wrongful death action will not bring your loved one back to you, but it will ensure that you and your children will have increased financial security in the years to come. We have successfully represented many families who have suffered the wrongful death of a loved one. Let us take care of this important matter for your family. Contact us now.


Michael Napier

Public Sector Employment, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

Anthony Coury

Personal Injury, Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death

Office Locations

Main Office

2525 E Arizona Biltmore Circle
Suite 135
Phoenix, AZ 85016

office (602) 248-9107
fax (602) 248-0971